Then Again, Maybe You’re Not

Then Again, Maybe You’re Not

“You’re doing it wrong.” Chances are, if you have ever talked with a video professional about shooting video with your cell phone, you have heard a passionate rant against shooting in portrait mode. This is understandable, as in the professional realm it is very...
Monument Valley and the Rise of the Passion Projects

Monument Valley and the Rise of the Passion Projects

Truth be told, I rarely pay for a mobile app. Most apps tend to be free or have free versions, and I’ve rarely come across an app that I actually liked enough to financially endorse. The exception to this rule is Monument Valley. If you haven’t heard of this app,...
My Top 10 Resources for Info and Inspiration for Work

My Top 10 Resources for Info and Inspiration for Work

I don’t know about you, but I personally like seeing all of the cool things people have done. Seeing something that was shot beautifully, or an animation that moves fluidly or is goofy looking, all inspire me to try new things and expand on what I know. There are a...