A Multifaceted Solution to a Complex Problem
A Website That Wows
LIFE International’s site received a complete overhaul with a new, more easily managed framework along with strategy and website structure improvements. Our client told us they were interested in updating their site with new messaging and content from time to time. A combination of WordPress and a custom Divi theme gives them a flexible framework to further build and edit their site without the need for a developer.
The previous site also contained several top level navigation items with multiple pages nested in dropdown menus below each item. This made the user’s path unclear and led to confusion on where specific information was located. We consolidated content and pages with the goal of efficiently directing readers through the side and driving donations and volunteer signups. A second benefit of this content consolidation was fewer pages for the client to maintain.
Lastly, we worked with LIFE International to adjust the overall tone of their content. We found much of their terminology centered around wording that was vague and hard to understand for people not already apart of their movement. Assessing their content from the view of an outsider allowed us to make it more welcoming and digestible for new visitors.
Portal Design & Development
LIFE International needed a method to distribute teaching materials to members across the globe. This means multiple languages, various file types, often very poor internet connections, and possible security issues with hostile governments. The result was a utilitarian portal designed for easy access and light resource use. When visiting the portal, viewers are given a small preview of the assets available to them with encouragement to apply for an account to get full access to learning material. This allows LIFE International to vet applicants and follow up with applicants later if needed. The site was also developed with a bare-bones framework to be lean and easy to use even on a satellite internet connection on the other side of the world. The site loads very quickly with no unnecessary images, animations, or code.
We also developed a system to allow users to filter assets by document type (PDF, Word Document, JPG, ect.) and language. Once the desired asset was found, they are able to download it in whatever format is most useful. Each document has a short summary, to avoid wasting valuable bandwidth on downloading the wrong asset, and controls to select the language and file type needed.